Emma Hardy Intervenes in Local Government Debate

Commenting following the Opposition Day debate on Local Government Funding, Emma said:


“As shown by their behaviour in the House of Commons today, MPs on the Conservative benches seem to think that these local government funding cuts are some sort of joke. But these cuts are having a real effect on people’s lives. Because of Government funding cuts, Hull City Council has lost 1 in every 3 pounds it had in 2010. If you’d like a statistic to show just how close to the bone these funding reductions are cutting then you only have to know that 3 in every 5 pounds of all spending by Hull City Council is spent on Children’s Services and Adult Social Care.


“It’s no wonder that councils do not have the room to fix potholes or collect bins. Today I spoke in Parliament to argue that the government needs to reassess local government funding to ensure that cities like Hull with high needs, significant deprivation and a very low tax base are not left behind. I will be pushing the government to make sure they don’t”


  1. Emma spoke during the Opposition Day debate on Local Government Funding which took place in the House of Commons on Wednesday 28th March 2018.
  2. Against a background of reductions in central government grants and local authority retention of business rates, Hull has lost a significant portion of its spending power, losing £1 in every 3 since 2010.
  3. This has had a severe effect on the ability of Hull City Council and East Riding of Yorkshire Council to deliver on vital services such as Children and Young Person’s Services and Adult Social Care. In Hull, spending on Adult Social Care and Children and Young Person’s Services amounts to 60% of Council Spending.
  4. Hull City Council has been forced to cut £37.2 million since 2010 from its Children’s and Young Person’s Services budget since 2010. A report by End Child Poverty has revealed more than 20,000 children in the city are living below the poverty line. This amounts to one third of children in poverty. In East Yorkshire, just over 20 per cent of children live in the same conditions.
  5. In Hull, the Myton ward – which includes the city centre – has the highest child poverty rate, at 47.9 per cent with St Andrews close behind at 47.5 per cent. Both wards are in Emma’s constituency.
  6. Meanwhile there are there are 350 more children in need now than in 2010. 158 more children subject to a child protection plan than in 2010 and the number of looked after children has gone up by 140.
  7. Two thirds more Hull residents require social care compared with the national average. Hull has lost half of its Central Government funding since 2010 and will be getting the lowest amount per head from the social care precept of any Yorkshire and Humber council.
  8. It is the eighth biggest drop in expenditure on social care among councils across the UK. Conservative Government funding cuts mean there is £10m less money being spent on the elderly and vulnerable than there was three years ago.
  9. East Riding Council face an increase in adult social care of over £21 Million and has a higher than national average percentage of the population of a pensionable age (25% in East Riding compared to 19% nationally).

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