Week Ahead w/c 16th Sept 2019

This week coming is going to be an interesting one, because of the PM proroguing Parliament. What this means is that Parliament is now closed, so I can not be there fighting for our NHS, our Police, for more funding for SEND children, for more funding for mental health services amongst the other things I am trying to achieve for Hull West & Hessle.

As you can imagine this is deeply aggravating, because I can not get the job done. However, it does allow me more time to spend in the constituency talking to you, listening to your concerns and helping in anyway I can.

So for this coming week I shall be attending constituency meetings, door knocking, attending events and doing everything in my power to get Parliament opened again.

On Tuesday I have the NHS East Riding of Yorkshire AGM, where I will going along and listening to the concerns and discussing what we are to do to about combat budget cuts & austerity.

….And then on Thursday 19th it is the start of my Big Conversation 2019 events….

As I’m sure you are aware these events are rolling out all over Hull West & Hessle over the next few months and it is your opportunity to come and discuss the matters that are important to you!

Here is the full itinerary and I shall be sharing all over social media and with the press, so keep an eye out and come along!

If you want to book a place get in touch or just turn up to the open events, whichever suits you best.

As ever, please get in touch with me at my office if you have anything urgent and please do have a wonderful weekend.


Let’s work together for a better community.

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