My new role as Shadow Minister for Further Education and Universities

I have just been confirmed as the Shadow Minister for Further Education and Universities. This means my role as changed slightly as it has become a little more focused.

It was wonderful to receive the call from Keir and know he has faith in me to continue to scrutinise the work of government. I will ensure that despite the national COVID-19 crisis the needs of post 16 students and providers are not forgotten.

I look forward to working with Rebecca Long Bailey in the Shadow Education team.

As ever, I want to ensure that all our young people get the right provision and the right pathway into employment, whether this is through or further or higher education. This period of their lives is paramount in building the foundations for their own future and they should have the best support and opportunities available.

Over the previous months within this role, I have been working with the education sector and third-party providers to ensure the government is aware of the current shortcomings of its education policies and offering constructive suggestions on how they could be improved.

Take care and speak soon,

Emma x


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