What should we call the new bridge over Castle St?
What should we call the new bridge over Castle St/ A63 in Hull? Highways England are unlikely to run a competition because […]
Hessle resident’s meeting – Thursday 12th April 7pm at Hessle Town Hall
I have received a large number of emails and letters from Hessle residents who are concerned about anti-social behaviour so I am […]
Drop in surgery in Tesco, St Stephen’s on April 20th
If you are a Hull West and Hessle resident and have an issue that you would like to speak to me about, […]
I was pleased to see the new make over of The Marquis of Granby in Hessle
My skills as a barmaid are definitely a bit rusty! 😉😄 I loved seeing the £150 000 investment in The Marquis of Granby in […]
Working with the Kurdish community
I was delighted to meet with a representative from Kurdish Progress to discuss how I can support the Kurdish community in my […]
The Spring Statement
Today, Philip Hammond will present his Spring Statement after years of subjecting the people of this country to crippling cuts. Under the […]
International Women’s Day 2018
Delighted to stand with so many incredible Labour women to celebrate International Women’s day. So much to celebrate and so much to […]
Today is the start of National Careers Week
This morning I hosted the launch of National Careers Week in the House of Commons. This brilliant initiative aims to help young […]
I have written to FCC Environment
Today, Diana Johnson MP, Karl Turner MP and I have all written to the Chief Executive of FCC Environment to ask him […]
Trade’s Council Demonstration
Yesterday I spoke at the Trade’s Council Demonstration to show support for the Unison strikers fighting for sick pay and to earn […]
University Lecturers on Strike
I support the UCU members on strike. All parties need to get back to the negotiating table, including University Vice Chancellors and […]
National Education Union Parliamentary Group
On Tuesday I chaired a meeting of the National Education Union Parliamentary Group. The key item on the agenda was the campaign […]